East London Families Need Fathers FNF
Phone : 07931 905002 & 07943 054258
The UK's leading Shared Parenting charity
FNF East London Families Need Fathers : Aims and Objectives
We aim to support the needs of local people and we do this by following Families Need Fathers Aims and Objectives.
What we believe
- Children have a right to a continuing loving relationship with both parents
- Children need to be protected from the harm of losing contact with one parent
- Both parents should be treated equally and shared parenting should be encouraged
- Each parent has a unique contribution to make to their children's development
- The Family Courts should be backed by a nationally funded mediation service
- Litigation is not the preferred route for resolving post separation children's matters
What we do
- We work to increase awareness of the problems of family breakdown
- We produce booklets, leaflets, a website and a regular newsletter
- We hold local self-help branch meetings throughout the UK
- We provide support to members through our internet forums
- We operate a national helpline
- We have a network of volunteer telephone contacts
- We run Parenting Support workshops
- We provide speakers and case studies for the press and media
- We participate in family policy forums and seminars
- We respond to government consultations
- We lobby Parliament and the legal profession
- We collate and promote relevant research information